Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Using Real-Time in Google Analytics.

Real-Time is a feature of GA that allows you to view a certain website's traffic live. Each movement done by users can be tracked and analyze in the same moments as it happens. One of the things I enjoy of it is tracking down the Events in Real-Time. An event can be a certain video you want your users to watch. It shows you how many people are watching it right now, and the statistics of how many events you are reaching per minute or per second.

For big companies, specially in the music industry, they wanna know how often is that music video being played in a certain YouTube channel, what times a day, and how many times by the same user. This helps you define the success of the video on your target audience a little bit better.

Another feature that I enjoy is the 'Conversion'. Exactly the same job as 'Event', helps you track how many conversions you are getting per minute or second. For business websites that sell products, lets take Amazon for example, they will track how well their AmazonProducts will sell this holiday. Specially on the past few weeks from Black Friday, with conversions, the tracked how many times was one of their products bought by time. This can help them know their target a little bit better and in the future make new promotion strategies depending on time of the day, gender of customer, age, etc.

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