Monday, December 7, 2015

How To Connect Your Weebly Site To Your Google Analytics Account.

Last week we talked about this great site where you can create you own websites with unlimited customization help. After creating a few pages and making it look decent for the online world, now it is time to track the movement of it. Here is where Google Analytics comes in a handy.

Just like we did with our blog's promotion week on Facebook- tracking every session, we will do the same for the site. Follow up a few simple steps.

First, go to your GA account to "Admin". There you will see the list of your current websites that you are already tracking. Where it says "Property" drop down that button and create select "Create New Property". You are gonna see something like this.

Second, give a name to your website so you will identify it every time you go into GA. Next, copy your websites link into the "Website URL", which you can find in the section of "Settings" under "General Settings". Click on "Get Tracking ID" on the bottom of the page.

Third, copy the "Website Tracking" script- that will be the one with the "script" at the top, followed by a bunch of random alien numbers and letters. Copy it and go to your Weebly site in the "Setting" section. Click SEO and paste your tracking script into the "Fooster Code" box.

AND THERE IT IS! Share it and give it 24 hours until it starts working.

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