Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 7 - What Color Is Your Parachute: Chapter 6 (Review)

"It's common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something new." - Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

I start this blog with former president of the U.S. quote telling us to not give up, but to find some new way to reach your goals. It is perfect for this chapter that is titled "What to Do When Your Job-Hunt Just isn't Working" and a few little rules that I found here are:

- Never Give Up
Never Give Up
Never Give Up

In this chapter, the author explains that there are two ways to hunt for a job: The "Traditional Way" in which the job seeker behaves like a "job-beggar", thinking only what to do to impress them and only worry about their satisfaction in order to get the job. Then, there is the "Parachute Way", a method where your mind is more
selfish but for the good of your future. This method wants you to "figure out what kind of job you would die to do, before you go out hunting", and after getting a second or third interview, it wants you to be honest to yourself instead of desperate and answer the question, "do I like them? Do I enjoy this work environment?". And of course, end the interviews with a thank-you note.

According to the book, the "Traditional Way" fails between 50-86% of the times, while the "Parachute Way" has a success probability of 86% of the time. 

Apparently, this book has a secret recipe to find yourself a job... your dream job.

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