Chapter 3 of the book talks about the different angles from where you can see your situation. It tells us that nothing has changed since 2008 (contradiction to chapter 1), but it is true. The amount of jobs available per month hasn't decreased, or if it has, there is still a ridiculous number of job positions out there waiting to be filled.
I like the example that the author shares in the chapter, so I will explain it with my own words. Imagine you have a store that sells dresses, and in your inventory you have currently 100. Now, a friend comes to visit and notices that you have that amount of dresses, then leaves and comes back one month later. He asks, how many dresses do you have? and you say, 95. He mocks you by saying "Haha, you only sold 5 dresses in the last month", but the truth is that you increased your inventory in that month by adding 50 dresses more. Do the math: (100+50)-95= 55. You sold 55 dresses last month.
You see, it is not that job openings only happen a few times a year, but it happen every month, more and more than you think. And if some of those jobs are taken, the next month more job positions will be open again. It's the way you see trouble, either the glass is half empty, or the glass is half full.